The lab of the future, today’ – Laboratory Automation Workshop 2022

Laboratory Automation Workshop 2022 by EPFL

There is an opportunity to leverage the intersection between AI, Robotics and Lab Sciences to accelerate discoveries and findings. This requires timely interdisciplinary action from research and industry in the domains of AI and Machine Learning, Robotics and Automation and Lab Sciences. This workshop intends to bring together experts in these fields to discuss cutting edge research, trends and future opportunities in this synergistic area.

The intended multidisciplinary environment will foster new collaborations to push forward the boundaries of Laboratory Automation. It will also offer a unique interdisciplinary platform for researchers and innovators to present and discuss the burning topics and practical challenges in the field of Laboratory Automation.

Switzerland is the perfect hub to start such a conference, as it’s home to some of the global players that lead R&D in the 3 highlighted topics. This conference is open to both Industry and Academia.

Smoothing the connection between the three pillars of the conference leads to the long-term goal of plug-and-play, flexible laboratory automation. The researcher of the future will seamlessly combine multiple laboratory instruments with some robotic platforms without having solid automation skills.

We invite researchers, industry members and students to join the event. We will have poster presentations and short presentations for student projects, with an award for the best presentation. 

Come and join the lab of the future, today!


The booster is participating in this workshop as a speaker.